Wednesday 10 December 2014

Spring MVC : Preventing Duplicate Form Submission without Spring Security

Spring MVC so far has no out of box solution to prevent duplicate form submission yet , while below are the possible solutions :

Option 1 , javascript : disable submit button 

Option 2 , Post-Redirect-Get pattern : send a redirect after submit 

Option 3 , tokening : unique token between client and server 

Both option 1 and option 2 have drawbacks , let's see how to implement option 3.


Step 1 : token handler

This class is used to generate a unique token and save in the cache :

Step 2 : token tag lib

To use "TokenHandler" with jstl below is the tag lib class :create spring-token.tld as below and put under src/main/resources/META-INF/spring-token.tld

Step 3 : check token annotation and interceptor

This annotation can be put on any method in "Controller" for the request that needs token validation.
Define a Spring interceptor for token validation purpose :


Step 4 : generate token on JSP

Just put <junjun:token/> under a <form> tag as below:


Step 5 : Spring configuration for interceptor and cache manager

Step 6 : use @CheckToken annotation

 Whenever token is needed for request validation , token could be include in the page by , and @CheckToken can used to check if the token is valid :


Step 7 : Verify

Run org.junjun.util.spring.AppLauncher , and open browser http://localhost:6060 , one of the requests should failed.



1. source code of the project could be found here : 

Web App :

Token :

2. this solution does not support application that runs in distributed environment , please use and refer to ehcache document for cluster cache manager configuration 

3. Spring Security has one solution for CSRF we will see later


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. sorry only see your message today , please refer to the github source , thank you.

  2. is it for double click or refresh issue(this code)

  3. you defined org.junjun.util.spring.token.tags.TokenTag in tld file but where is TokenTag class file?


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